Robbie left Idaho for the University of Arkansas in 2017. He wanted to get his feet wet in everything. While earning his Finance degree, he engaged in every extracurricular he could–from working with children, to joining a fraternity, to starting his own car detailing business.

As he attended sports events, he noticed people around him did not stop to acknowledge their beautiful surroundings. He realized he had been raised to both see and revel in natural beauty. He decided he did not care if everyone was walking one way, he would stop and turn the other way to catch the last light on the distant hills. That was how he was raised, and no change in location or vocation could undo that. The sense of wonder his father, Robert Moore, had nurtured would keep drawing Robbie back to art.

As Robbie finished business school, he built a foundation in drawing. He studied Bridgeman and Loomis on figures and anatomy and Carlson on landscape painting. He then apprenticed under his father, which proved to be more valuable than any self-teaching Robbie had managed.

Beyond drawing, Robbie’s limited college living spaces had also provided opportunity for gouache and watercolor experimentation. By 2021, he found a space to dive deep into oil painting. His employer commissioned him to paint twelve oil paintings for a company calendar, which was sent to all 150 of their customer accounts. This was exactly the motivation Robbie needed to jumpstart his work in oil.

Robbie recently left a vibrant start-up company to move back west and pursue art full time.

Robbie’s future aspiration is to make the most out of his upbringing. He plans to continue his art education via every outlet available, while developing business skills to enable future art endeavors. Big things are coming as Robbie continues down this artistic road alongside his father, his siblings, and a lineage of artists whom his father has had the beautiful legacy of developing.

For more information or to purchase work please call 406-721-3154